Digital piano or acoustic piano: What’s Best for Me?
Acoustic piano or Digital piano: What's Best for Me? When you ask this question, you need to think about one question: what is your situation now? As a student, it is sometimes possible to rent one or to otherwise obtain regular access to one without investing many hundreds to thousands of dollars in an instrument. Do I need to buy an expensive piano/keyboard to properly learn piano? Of cause you need a good instrument to learn or improve your piano skill. Not only acoustic piano can do this, but also the digital piano with weighted keyboard. To learn piano properly, you definitely need to be playing on pianos regularly. Electronic keyboards or digital piano, there are many sound like acoustic pianos in nowadays, range in quality from magnificent on down to dump-ready. A good electronic keyboard is handy for travel and for gigging. It’s also useful for living in small apartments, especially for college students or those with a more nomadic lifestyle who may not be ready to to...