Can You Learn Pieces Piano Songs You Won't Forget?

Is that possible to learn pieces piano songs so well that you will never forget it? This is a great question. You know, many people who’s played for so many years. As me, i always sit down and playing people wonder what about perfect memory. 

piano songs

Nothing could be further from the truth yet. There are many pieces piano songs i can play anytime in just about any state of mind. So how is this possible what does it take to be able to get to the point, where you can have a piece burned into your permanent memory. Interestingly i can learn a new piece piano songs and perform it once and then if i don’t play at all for the next few months or year. It will be very hard for me to remember it, it will come back a lot easier back a lot easier than if i just started the piece yet. There are other pieces piano songs that i just remember. The reason for this and the secret is if you have a piece that you’ve played on a number of occasions in performance, where you had to learn and relearn the peace eventually become such a part of you. Think of it this way, imagine being able to forget the song happy birthday or something like that. It’s inconceivable that you wouldn’t remember it, because for your whole life you song this tune, it’s kind of just totally emblazoned upon your brain.

The same thing happens with the piece you play on the violin, the clarinet, the piano, you played it so many times. It’s a part of you, it’s unimaginable that you could forget it. Now, i will say this, it’s always important to go back and refresh your memory with the score, because no matter how good your memory is, there are always be little details that will creep in that are not accurate from the original score. Yet you can remember the gist of the composition and the overall sound of the melody the harmonies and the textures enough to flesh it out, even if the memory isn’t perfect. So the suggestion for you if you want to have peaches in permanent repertoire that you always have. Play them on a regular basis and play them for people. Even informal performances will reinforce your memory. So that’s the key because you get into a heightened state in a performance that is far above the concentration level you might be able to achieve otherwise.
So give it a shot, your friends will appreciate it friends and family you play for, and it will help you to solidify your memory. So you’ll never forget some of your pieces piano songs!



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