Learn piano keys by only the white keys or the black keys

Is it possible to compose a good piece of music using only the white keys or only the black keys? and How to learn piano keys by only the white keys or the black keys?

It is absolutely possible. Songs in C major or A natural minor will use only the white keys provided they do not modulate keys or require ornaments that involve black keys. There are enough white keys to form a complete scale, both major and minor. Using all black keys would be more difficult in the sense of what you're probably used to listening to since there aren't enough black keys to form a complete major- or minor-scale. How "good" the piece is depends entirely on the composer and is quite subjective.

Playing only the white keys gives you the seven modes of the C major scale: C major itself, D Dorian, E Phrygian, F Lydian, G Mixolydian, A natural minor, and B Locrian. All of these scales except Locrian make terrific melodic raw material, and you can get some cool (though unstable) sounds out of Locrian if you work at it.

The black keys give the five modes of G flat major pentatonic. The best-known of these is E flat minor pentatonic. Both the major and minor pentatonic scales are ubiquitous across world cultures. A 40,000 year old flute carved out of a vulture bone found in a cave in France plays an unmistakeable major pentatonic scale. The other pentatonic modes are all really beautiful and cool too. You could have a long and fulfilling musical life without ever using anything else.

Let's show you how that possible in Flychord digtal piano.

For more funny function about digital piano, feel free to check our website: https://www.flychord.com/learn-piano-keys-4.html

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