Do you know accidental of digital piano?
As a piano learner, i think it is required to have a basic knowledge of digital piano, among them, the accidental shall be into our attention.

Accidental is mainly used for the situation when we want to increase, low down, or restore the sound level, there are five kinds of accidentals in all.
The usage of accidental has two types. One is used as signature, the accidental will be all written in front of the stave to show the exact loudness. The other usage is deployed as temporary accidental. What shall be noticed is that the temporary accidental can only be effective for the note that is after the accidental of the the voice part, within the section and has the same loudness. The word can be indicated as four meanings:
1.The accidental can only control the sound after it, and all other sounds before it is out of his control;
2.The sounds that are not be contained within the section will be ignored, but the sounds that belongs to the tie;
3.The accidental can only be applicable for the sounds that have the same loudness, and it has no effect to the higher octave of the same sound and lower octave of the same sound;
4.In polyphonic music, the accidental can be used for local voice part only;
Now we could study the five accidentals in detail:

It will improve half of the sound level, and it will be will called as sharp and shown as “#”, it will be written at the upper left of the basic sound to mean that the sound has been improved half higher than it was, for example # C could be read as “sharp C”.

It will low down half of the sound level, and it will be will called as flat and shown as “b”, it will be written at the upper left of the basic sound to mean that the sound has been lowed down half than it was, for example bD could be read as “flat D”.

It will improve full of the sound level, and it will be will called as flat and shown as “x”, it will be written at the upper left of the basic sound to mean that the sound has been lowed down full than it was, for example ×E could be read as “double-sharp E”.

It will low down full of the sound level, and it will be will called as flat and shown as “bb”, it will be written at the upper left of the basic sound to mean that the sound has been lowed down full than it was, for example bbF could be read as “double-flat F”.

It will restore the sound to where it shall be, and it will be written at the upper left of the basic sound as “n” ,for example nG could be read as “nature G”.
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