Good digital piano for beginners

When you are reading this page, you are probably confusing about what is a good digital piano for a beginner. I had the same issue before, after doing a lot of researches, i can provide you a few suggestion as follow, hope this can help you. If you are searching, Here are the key considerations for you:

  • What is your level now? 

-If you’ re an absolute beginner, a low-cost model with some built-in learning tools may well suffice until you’ re ready to step up to a more advanced digital piano.
-if you’ re an intermediate or advanced pianist, you’ ll likely want to be more selective about touch response and velocity sensitivity discussed under Digital Piano Features below.

  • Check the dimensions 

Make sure the piano will fit in the space(s) you have in mind. If you’ re purchasing the piano for a child, check if the keyboard height is appropriate. (Adjustable stands, or in a pinch a phone book under the pedal(s), can help solve any mismatches.)

  • Portability / storability

If you expect to store the digital piano or travel with it, check the weight and the ease with which it can be broken down.

  • Who will use it?

If it’s for yourself, you need to consider some points as follow:
1. Keyboard Touch
Most of people knows how important for a beginner to choose a digital piano with good keyboard touch. With weighted keyboard and ivory material, it can make you feel like a real piano. 
2. Touch Response
Play hard, you get loud notes, play softly, you get quieter notes. It's a beautiful thing.
3. Sound
Open the song function to listen what is the feeling of the sound, to feel the piano is reaching your criteria or not.
4. Design
How important for the people who is renting a apartment, the home digital piano need to saving place, then also considering if the piano is suitable for the home decoration or not.
5. Price
I don’t know your budget, one thing you need to know is which one is the “ Best Buys”. Here i suggest the latest digital piano from Flychord, it has all the advantages of I mentioned above. The website is :
But if it’s for your children, you need to consider the weighted keyboard is not suitable for the finger of the kids. You can go cheaper or more, or expensive than this, but only you can know what your criteria is.



How to learn piano chords on a Flychord digital piano